School drawing contest to celebrate Worls Soil Day 2018!
The Spanish Society of Soil Science organizes a school drawing contest within the framework of the celebration on 5 December of the World Soil Day.
World Soil Day is promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the Global Soil Partnership with the collaboration of other national and international organizations.
World Soil Day 2018 Theme: “Be the solution to soil pollution!”.
The participation is open to students from 6 years to 17 years, it is open to schools and young people from all over the world.
Please send your contributions to
This contest aims to raise awareness about the serious problem of soil Pollution.
For 5th December 2018 a map will be prepared including all the schools that participate in the awareness of their students
The closing date for submission of drawings is 30 November 2018.